20 November 2017

Parish Registers for England on Microfilm at Ottawa FHC

Over the years the Ottawa Stake Family History Centre acquired a collection of microfilms catalogued on a spreadsheet downloadable from www.ottawastakefhc.on.ca/.

As an experiment on plotting from locations in a spreadsheet this Google map plots the locations for which they hold microfilm of parish registers for various locations in England. Note there is no guarantee the list is up to date as some of the information on the website is outdated, such as "This is to help avoid ordering films from the Family History Library that are already here".

These days you should be able to get access to many such parish registers as online digital microfilms through the computers at Family History Centres and affiliated institutions.

1 comment:

  1. We have received 93 additional films over that last three months. As well, about half the books at the Family History Center have been culled, so it's in need of updating too. Will start taking inventory soon. Many thanks for your patience, Harry Liston.
