16 October 2017

Rockstar Genealogist(s) 2017 voting now open

Choose your favourites from a galaxy of stars from the English-speaking genealogy world. Let them know you appreciate their contributions.
Voting requires access through your Google account. That will limit the possibility of people voting more than once and mean you can change your vote by signing in again with your account. If you don't already have an account, most of us do to take advantage of the many Google apps, sign up for one for free here.
By voting you help folks organizing a speaker program to know who is popular internationally and in different regions.
Tell your genealogist friends. Ask them to vote, suggest who to vote for and multiply the power of your vote.
Note that two people are nominated who have declined to have their votes tabulated. Their names are included to indicate they have not been overlooked. Everyone who received two or more nominations is included, those who received only one are not.
What surprises will there be in this the sixth year of the survey?


Voting will close on Saturday.
Thanks to Chris Goopy for the graphic and help testing the system.


  1. Jim Bartlett is one of tge best genetic genealogists Ive heard present, but sadly he isnt on the list and there isnt a write in vote.

  2. TreeHugger, I wish Jim Bartlett had been on there also. Also wished that Jennifer Zinck had been listed.

  3. Ditto! Jim Bartlett is definitely a rock star.
