27 November 2007

Hats off to Ottawa Branch of OGS

The Ottawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society have announced a donation to the Ottawa City Archives. The Canon model reader-printer, a similar model to those at LAC, will be a tremendous addition to the legacy machines, many of which are well passed their best before date. The machine is delivered and awaiting installation. A training session for volunteers and staff is planned.

The donation was made possible by a healthy surplus generated when the Branch hosted the annual OGS Seminar last June, thanks in large part to the volunteer efforts of many of their members. Thank you Ottawa Branch.

1 comment:

  1. John, the new microform reader was not donated to the City Archives but remains the property of Ottawa Branch. This means that Ottawa Branch will pay for the maintenance of the machine, alleviating the city taxpayers of that annual expense. It is, however, available for use by all visitors to the City of Ottawa Archives. And to further explain, it has no print capability at this time but will allow users to save the microfilm or microfiche image to a CD, USB drive or floppy disk. It may be networked to a city system to allow printing but that will probably not happen before moving to the new City Archives at the end of 2010.
