Genealogy Database Title | Posted |
Memorials of Acadia College and Horton Academy for the half-century 1828-1878 | 09/03/2008 |
Prominent men of Canada: a collection of persons distinguished in professional and political life, and in the commerce and industry of Canada | 09/03/2008 |
Asile hospice St-Jean de Dieu, Longue-Pointe. P.Q., Canada | 09/03/2008 |
Affaire Guibord: question de refus de sépulture: rapport de la cause avec le texte du jugement de la Cour supérieure et de la Cour de révision: de plus, l'opinion du juge Rolland dans la cause de Nau vs. Mgr. Lartigue | 09/03/2008 |
Almanach judiciaire de la province de Québec: contenant les noms des juges de la Puissance du Canada, les protonotaires, shérifs, régistrateurs, magistrats, greffiers, huissiers, etc., de la province de Québec: ainsi que les lermes des cours, tarifs des avocats, régistrateurs, notaires et huissiers | 09/03/2008 |
Compte-rendu de la seizième convention nationale des Canadiens-français des États-Unis: tenue à Rutland, Vt., le 22 et 23 juin 1886 | 09/03/2008 |
Mackinac, formerly Michilimackinac | 09/03/2008 |
Notice sur M. Jos. O. Leprohon: archiprètre, directeur du Collège de Nicolet, etc. | 09/03/2008 |
Bilan de M. Baillairgé: comme architecte, ingénieur, arpenteur-géomètre , durant les 21 ans, avant d'entrer au service de la cité ès-qualité d'ingénieur des ponts et chaussées, ou de 1846 à 1866: puis - entre heures - de 1866 à 1899, mais non compris les travaux civiques relatés dans un rapport supplémentaire | 09/03/2008 |
Memoir of the Right Reverend John Strachan, D.D., L.L.D: first bishop of Toronto | 09/03/2008 |
A sermon preached in the Church of St. George the Martyr, Toronto, on Sunday November 19, 1876, on occasion of the death of the Honorable John Hillyard Cameron, Q.C., late chancellor of the diocese of Toronto | 09/03/2008 |
Alexander Murray, F.G.S., F.R.S.C., C.M.G | 09/03/2008 |
Hospice St-Jean de Dieu, asile de la Longue-Pointe | 09/03/2008 |
History of the great fire in Saint John, June 20 and 21, 1877 | 09/03/2008 |
Holidays of the French Canadians | 09/03/2008 |
Old and new Canada, 1753-1844: historic scenes and social pictures, or, The life of Joseph-Francois Perrault | 09/03/2008 |
Fifty years with the Baptist ministers and churches of the Maritime Provinces of Canada | 09/03/2008 |
Address at the convocation of the University of Toronto, June 10th, 1892 | 09/03/2008 |
Etude biographique sur M. Jean Raimbault: archiprétre, curé de Nicole, etc. | 09/03/2008 |
L'Ile d'Orléans: note sur son étendue, ses premiers établissements, sa population, les moeurs de ses habitants, ses productions | 09/03/2008 |
Skipper George Netman: a story of out-port Methodism in Newfoundland | 09/03/2008 |
Montreal: its history: to which is added biographical sketches, with photographs, of many of its principal citizens | 09/03/2008 |
Historical and descriptive account of the Island of Cape Breton: and of its memorials of the French regime: with bibliographical, historical and critical notes | 09/03/2008 |
Madame Gamelin et les origines de Providence: lecture faite à la clôture du bazar annuel de l'Asile de la Providence | 09/03/2008 |
Builders of Nova Scotia: a historical review, with an appendix containing copies of rare documents relating to the early days of the province | 09/03/2008 |
Notes on the life of Dr. Joseph Workman | 09/03/2008 |
R. Bradford versus Messrs. Taylor & Oates: fraudulent transactions exposed: an appeal to get justice | 09/03/2008 |
A fraud unmasked: the career of Mrs. Margaret L. Shepherd, ex-Romanist,, ex-nun, ex-penitent and bigamist: her own confessions attested by most reliable witnesses | 09/03/2008 |
Handbook of Canadian Methodism: being an alphabetical arrangement of all the ministers and preachers whose names have appeared in connection with Canadian Methodism, also of all the circuits and missions under the care of the Wesleyan Conference in Canada: together with a large amount of other useful and statistical information | 09/03/2008 |
Une fleur du Carmel: la première Carmélite canadienne, Marie-Lucie-Hermine Frémont: en religion Soeur Thérèse de Jésus | 09/03/2008 |
City of London, Ontario, Canada: the pioneer period and the London of to-day | 09/03/2008 |
A memoir of Madame Feller: with an account of the origin and progress of the Grande Ligne mission | 09/03/2008 |
The baron de St. Castin | 09/03/2008 |
Charles de Ribbe et le Livre de famille: conférence faite à lecole normale Jacques-Cartier, le 26 janvier 1882 | 09/03/2008 |
A history of the island of Cape Breton: with some account of the discovery and settlement of Canada. Nova Scotia and Newfoundland | 09/03/2008 |
Testimonials of John T. Bulmer | 09/03/2008 |
Manitoulin, or, Five years of church work among Ojibway Indians and lumberman, resident upon that island or in its vicinity | 09/03/2008 |
Au portique des Laurentides: une paroisse moderne: le curé Labelle | 09/03/2008 |
Les comtés de Rimouski, de Matane et de Témiscouata: exploration spèciale | 09/03/2008 |
Business and general directory of Newfoundland, 1877: containing classified lists of the business men of St. John's and the leading towns and districts of the colony | 09/03/2008 |
The Lake St. John region: the granary of the province of Quebec: a guide for settlers | 09/03/2008 |
La région du Lac Saint-Jean: grenier de la province de Québec: guide des colons | 09/03/2008 |
Le Saguenay et la vallée du Lac Saint-Jean: étude historique, géographique, industrielle et agricole | 09/03/2008 |
Memorials of the life of Edward & Lydia Ann Jackson / by N. Burwash; with discourses preached in the Centenary Church, Hamilton, on the occasion of their death | 09/03/2008 |
More than forty years in the Gospel harness: a tale of truth designed to profit the readers young and old | 09/03/2008 |
La vallée de la Matapédia: ouvrage historique et descriptif | 09/03/2008 |
History of the Girtys: a concise account of the Girty brothers, Thomas, Simon, James and George, and of their half-brother John Turner | 09/03/2008 |
In memory of the brave men who met their death while in the discharge of their duty at the St. Urbain street fire on Sunday, April 29, 1877: and whose funerals are to take place this day | 09/03/2008 |
A brief memoir of the late Honorable James William Johnston, first judge in equity of Nova Scotia | 09/03/2008 |
History of the county of Annapolis, including old Port Royal and Acadia: with memoirs of its representatives in the provincial parliament: and biographical and genealogical sketches of its early English settlers and their families | 09/03/2008 |
Memoir of the life of Donald Cameron: with remarks by his son Archibald of Vellore, Vaughan Township, County of York, Ontario | 09/03/2008 |
A history of the county of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | 09/03/2008 |
Geographical handbook of the county of Grey | 09/03/2008 |
Notice biographique sur le Révérend J. Auclaur: curé de Notre-Dame de Québec: décédé le 29 novembre, 1887 | 09/03/2008 |
Historical sketch of the St. John Grammar School from its establishment in 1805 to 1884 | 09/03/2008 |
Notice biographique Mgr. C.-E. Légaré, protonotaire apostolique A.J.P., vicaire général de S.E. le cardinal Taschereau, archevêque de Quebec | 09/03/2008 |
Niagara one hundred years ago: the ancient capital and its vicinity | 09/03/2008 |
History of the settlement of Upper Canada, Ontario: with special reference to the Bay Quinte | 09/03/2008 |
Histoire de la paroisse d'Yamachiche: précis historique | 09/03/2008 |
The medical profession in Upper Canada, 1783-1850: an historical narrative with original documents relating to the profession, including some brief biographies | 09/03/2008 |
Sermon prononcé à l'occasion de la bénédiction des cloches de la basilique Notre-Dame de Quebec, 4 octobre, 1891 | 09/03/2008 |
Christian baptism illustrate: its proper subjects and proper act, with a brief history of Baptist principles and practices, from the planting of the Apostolic Church to the present time | 09/03/2008 |
Father Corson, or, The old style Canadian itinerant: embracing the life and gospel labours of the Rev. Robert Corson, fifty-six years a minister in connection with the central Methodism of Upper Canada | 09/03/2008 |
My boy life, presented in a succession of true stories: a book for old or young | 09/03/2008 |
La famille de Sales Laterrière | 09/03/2008 |
Francis Parkman | 09/03/2008 |
G.B. Faribault | 09/03/2008 |
Un pèlerinage au pays d'Évangéline | 09/03/2008 |
Les Sulpiciens et les prêtres des Missions-Etrangères en Acadie, 1676-1762 | 09/03/2008 |
Vie de monsieur Jean-Romauld Paré, archiprêtre: curé de la paroisse de St. Jacques le Majeur, diocèse de Montréal | 09/03/2008 |
Letellier de Saint-Just et son temps | 09/03/2008 |
Mémorial des familles Casgrain, Baby et Perrault du Canada | 09/03/2008 |
La vie de Joseph-François Perrault: surnommé le père de l'éducation du peuple canadien | 09/03/2008 |
L'abbé Joseph Aubry | 09/03/2008 |
History of Compton County: and sketches of the eastern townships, district of St. Francis, and Sherbrooke County, supplemented with the records of four hundred families, two hundred illustrations of buildings and leading citizens in the country | 09/03/2008 |
Deux copains: réplique a MM. Frechette et Sauvalle | 09/03/2008 |
L'abbé Jean Holmes et ses conférences de Notre-Dame: étude littéraire et biographique | 09/03/2008 |
Bertrand de la Tour | 09/03/2008 |
François -Xavier Garneau: sa vie et ses oeuvres | 09/03/2008 |
L'honorable F.-A. Quesnel | 09/03/2008 |
Prince Edward Island: how it was bought back from the landlords | 09/03/2008 |
Paul de Chomedey, sieur de Maisonneuve, fondateur de Montreal: étude historique et biographique, 1640-1665 | 09/03/2008 |
Histoire de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Quebec | 09/03/2008 |
Philippe Aubert de Gaspé | 09/03/2008 |
Cinquantième anniversaire du rév. M. Gagnon, curé de Berthier | 09/03/2008 |
Rand and the Micmacs | 09/03/2008 |
Origin and traditional history of the Wyandotts: and sketches of other Indian tribes of North America, true traditional stories of Tecumseh and his league, in the years 1811 and 1812 | 09/03/2008 |
The influence of a godly life: a sermon preached on the occasion of the death of the late Rev. A. Wallace, A.B., | 09/03/2008 |
In memoriam: a discourse occasioned by the death of the late A.W. Lillie, Esq., and delivered in the Congregational Church, Guelph, on Sabbath evening, October 18, 1868 | 09/03/2008 |
Memoirs and remains of the Reverend Walter Inglis, African missionary and Canadian pastor | 09/03/2008 |
Oraison funèbre de Monseigneur Ignace Bourget, second évêque de Montreal, archevêque de martianopolis, prononcée dans l'église de Notre-Dame de Montreal, le 12 juin 1885 | 09/03/2008 |
Collège Ste-Marie et l'église du Gesu = St. Mary's College and the church of the gesu | 09/03/2008 |
Life and times of the Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald, K.C.B., D. C.L., | 09/03/2008 |
Compte-rendu du dîner des citoyens de St. Hyacinthe à la compagnie McMartin-Hamel, le 12 janvier 1875 | 09/03/2008 |
Upper Canada sketches | 09/03/2008 |
Portraits et dossiers parlementaires du premier Parlement de Quèbec | 09/02/2008 |
Andrew Castagne, or, Adventure of an old mariner of the brigantine Swordfish wrecked in the gulf of St. Lawrence in 1867 | 09/02/2008 |
A Short history of Kelowna and its surroundings in the Province of British Columbia / by the Agriculture and Trades Association of the Okanagan Mission Valley | 09/02/2008 |
Histoire veritable et naturelle des moeurs & productions du pays de la Nouvelle France, vulgairement dite le Canada |
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