04 February 2009

Ancestors magazine doesn't want subscriptions!

Helping Celebrate Genealogy Gripe Week

I post fairly regularly on items drawn from Ancestors, a UK magazine published in association with The National Archives. It's a good source. I subscribed for the past year, even though the cost for an annual subscription, with airmail delivery, is a sky high 66 pounds.

You`d think at that price they`d bend over backwards to get you to renew.

I tried to get into the web site without success several times -- no page was loaded. On Saturday my request was caught in the Google “This site may harm your computer.” error.

Later that day I did connect. Clicking on `click here to subscribe now`and `subscribe` returned to exactly the same page. In fact every internal link returns to that same page. There was no way to enter a subscription!

Also their RSS feed is broken, and it's not accepting subscriptions.

Another renewal option would be to mail a form to the company, but that's with the risk of giving out a credit card number, including the security code. No thank you.


  1. phone them

    possibly via the ancestry.co.uk 0800 number and ask to be put through

  2. Hugh:

    Ancestors magazine is not part of the Ancestry (TGN) family!

  3. I noticed this weekend that I couldn't get into the blog and haven't been able to do so yet. Also, on Friday at the top of the web page a small note that said the site would be down for technical service but that note is gone now. I think someone forgot to put things back the way they should be when they finished.
