13 May 2009

Ottawa Civic recognition for Mike More

At a ceremony at Ottawa City Hall on May 5th the contributions of OGS Ottawa Branch Chair Mike More were recognized with the award of the City's Distinguished Civic Award – Heritage.

In Mike's absence the award was accepted by Heather Oakley.

The citation reads:

Michael More has been involved with the Ottawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society (OGS) for over 12 years, and has held the office of Chairman for the last 10 years.

He chairs 10 Board of Director meetings and 10 general membership meetings annually, and has spent countless volunteer hours promoting and protecting heritage and family history in Ottawa and elsewhere.

Michael spends numerous hours working to ensure that our heritage is preserved for future generations. He attends local heritage events to make certain our community understands the importance of heritage and family history. He conducts beginner genealogy courses and makes presentations on how to conduct your own genealogical sleuthing. He also works to ensure genealogy, culture and heritage are given priority in municipal, provincial and federal budgets.

Michael can often be found behind the Ontario Genealogical Society’s table at genealogical events around the Province, and at local heritage events like Colonel By Day and Heritage Day. He also volunteers weekly at the City of Ottawa Archives to assist visitors with access to the holdings of our Ottawa Branch Library. Michael has also led, or been part of, committees organizing annual province-wide seminars.

Congratulations to Mike for this well earned recognition.


  1. I like your blog.I'm waiting for your new posts.

  2. Hear, hear! Very nice to see Mike receive a well-deserved award.
