24 June 2009


This old recording from the music section at Library and Archives Canada is about the things men tell their girl friends while courting. For Political and Bureaucratic reasons it finds an appropriate home in Ottawa.

It was mentioned during the AGM of the Friends of LAC.

The title "Cows may come, cows may go, but the bull goes on forever" (Von Tilzer; Bryan): Peerless Quartet. Columbia Graphophone A1696 (19 Jan/jan 1915), Here is the first section of the lyrics

Seated in a country lane,
Joey and his sweetheart Jane.
He whispered fond words, as true lovers will,
Watching the cows coming over the hill.
He said, "Listen, Janie dear,"
As a cow and calf drew near.
"Just as those two love, I love you," said Joe.
Then Jane smiled as she whispered low:

CHORUS 1: "Cows may come; cows may go,
But the bull will go on forever.

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