A press release from the British Library is welcome news for those of us with British ancestry.
The British Library has today received a commitment of £33m from the Government to preserve and make accessible the world's greatest newspaper collection.
It will build a new storage facility and digitize more newspapers making them accessible online.
Read the press release at www.bl.uk/news/2009/pressrelease20091016.html
So what has LAC done to preserve and make available Canadian newspapers? Did they even ask for resources as part of the government's Economic Action Plan?
LAC efforts with respect to the digitization of newspapers is laughable -- they digitized a large number of Quebec newspapers, created a little web site for them, an "essential historical source" we are told. Well, essential for nothing -- what on earth is the research value of a single issue of a newspaper? Support from the government? Only in Britain you say? Pity.