15 November 2010

Lost Cousins Canada Special

The following is from the latest Lost Cousins Newsletter:
Were any of your relatives in Canada in 1881? Until Christmas you will be able to contact anyone you're matched with through the Canada 1881 census (normally you'd have to subscribe, wait for our next free weekend - which won't be until the end of the year).

Tip: it doesn't matter where your ancestors came from or what language they spoke - so long as you have relatives who were recorded on that census I can search for your living relatives.
Entering people in the database is fairly easy once you've got the hang of it. You may find someone else has already claimed your relative and you can connect. Otherwise just sit back and forget about it -- until someone else enters a match. That's what I'm doing.

I've entered 122 relatives (none in Canada) and so far no matches. It's likely I don't have many to find. My ancestral families seem to have been smaller than average. I only had two first cousins, whereas most people seem to have more. One person at my talk in Vancouver in September said they had 81 ... wow.

1 comment:

  1. John
    My late wife, a Quebecer, had 75 first cousins, not atypical for Quebecers born prior to WWII.
    Gordon Morley
