17 January 2011

Benefit from contributing to Ancestry's World Archives Project

The Ancestry weekly newsletter for 16 January 2011  points out that people who contribute to the World Archives Project can get more than just the satisfaction of contributing.

" ,,, active contributors to the project who key 900 records or more per quarter will have access to all of the images that are part of the World Archives Project--not just those that they have helped index. In addition to that, they receive a 10 percent discount on the renewal of their Ancestry.com U.S. Deluxe membership and 15 percent on the renewal of their World Deluxe membership."


  1. Thanks, the idea of getting a discount for work that is interesting is very nice, will look into the program.

  2. World Archives says that their indexes are free to to public, but indexers have the perk of seeing them first and seeing the images. I'd like to know how to access those 'free to the public' indexes. I'm not an indexer because I am just too busy being on the Executive of our local family history organization, writing and leading workshops and classes, working on projects, and assisting overseas researchers -- so I am contributing. I also have a World Deluxe subscription to Ancestry. Please could somebody tell me how to access the public World Archives indexes? I am particularly interested in the Tyler Papers from Kent, England. Thanks

  3. @Cannuk: The Tyler indexes are still being keyed by volunteers, so only the volunteers can see them right now as they index, one batch at a time. After indexing is complete, the public will be able to see the Tyler indexes.
    This index set is only 18% done, so it may be a while!

  4. Thanks, Sandra, but that only answers half my question. How does public get to see any completed 'free to the public' indexes?
