03 January 2011

BIFHSGO Conference: call for presentation proposals

It's shaping up to be the premier conference on English family history in North America this year. You could be part of it.

The call for presentation proposals for the 17th annual British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa conference, 16-18 September, 2011, closes on 31 January 2011. The theme is England and Wales, with particular emphasis on London and the Home Counties.

In addition to presentations on the theme the door is also open to proposals for other presentations likely to hold the interest of members including: writing and preserving family history; social networking; technology and genetics/DNA discoveries; case studies that illuminate social trends and illustrate good genealogical practice. Talks are 55 minutes long, plus time for the introduction and questions for a total of 75 minutes.

To be considered as a presenter, please submit a brief outline of your proposed talk(s) to BIFHSGO2011@bifhsgo.ca no later than 31 January 2011. Each proposal should include on one page: presentation title; an abstract of 200 words; a one- or two-sentence description of your talk for the seminar brochure; your audiovisual requirements; your full name, postal address, telephone number, and e-mail address; a 100-150 word biography; whether your lecture would be aimed at genealogists working at the beginner (general), intermediate or advanced (specialist) level. Indicate your willingness to provide a 2-4 page summary of your talk, including references and web addresses mentioned, as a handout.
Remuneration will normally include free registration, free lunches and an honorarium. For speakers making multiple presentations and coming from a distance reimbursement for travel and accommodation expenses will be negotiated.

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