01 February 2011

Internet Genealogy Magazine: Feb/Mar 2011

The Feb/Mar 2011 issue of Internet Genealogy Magazine  has CIVIL WAR ACHIVES as the top line on the front cover.

Civil War is a term that catches US genealogists' attention more than any other. Placed right at the top, where it's least likely to be obscured by other magazines in front on the rack at the newsstand, the issue should attract attention.

Will the promise of the cover sell the magazine? The article featured, by regular contributor David A Norris, is Civil War Genealogical Resources, State-by-State.  It's the first of a two-part series covering websites, free and subscription databases, and (mostly digitized) book resources, for states Alabama to Nebraska. The latter half of the alphabetical list is promised for the next issue. Tough luck on those with soldiers from states New Hampshire to Wisconsin who will have to be patient.

Also featured above the fold on the cover is a review article on scanners by another regular contributor Tony Bandy. The focus is on hardware for scanning images for copying and sharing document images. OCR, converting textual material to machine readable format is touched on. A more detailed review of OCR would be a welcome follow-on article. 

A full table of contents for the issue is at www.internet-genealogy.com

1 comment:

  1. John
    Your blog on the latest issue of Internet Genealogy with its comments on OCR lead me to writing a blog that has been in my mind recently: http://toronto1861.blogspot.com/2011/02/working-with-ocr-software.html
    It's a practical discussion on using the technology.
