28 July 2011

The ABC of LAC

Having used Library and Archives Canada for more than a decade it had never occurred to me to ask about the microfilm coding system. Films are in series A, B, C, H, K, M, and T.
Two knowdgeable colleagues have enlightened me.
The A series is material from non-governmental sources.
The B series is from British governmental sources.
The C series contains material from Canadian governmental sources.
There is also a HBC series for Hudson Bay Company. What are the others?

I could always do with more education in the ways of LAC, to be shared on the blog.


  1. A : Microfilm of papers and records held by institutions or individuals in Great Britain (except the Public Record Office).

    B : Microfilm of records held by the Public Record Office, and associated record offices

    C : Microfilm of (original or copies of) private papers and public records in the National Archives of Canada – used for GAD and MSS to 1980

    F : Microfilm of papers and records held by institutions and private individuals in France

    H : Microfilm of (originals and copies of) documents in the custody of the Manuscript Division – since 1980

    K : Microfilm of documents held by institutions or individuals in Europe (except France and Great Britain)

    M : Microfilm of private papers and public records held by institutions or individuals in North America (except Library and Archives Canada)

    P : Microfilm of printed sources
    T Microfilms of records in custody of Government Archives Division (since

    HBC : 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M, Annexes Hudson’s Bay Company records, held at the HBC Archives

  2. Forgot to add: the list can be at the beginning of Finding Aid 2001.
