27 July 2011

Carleton University researchers study genealogical interest

Why the surge of interest in genealogy/family history?

That's the question Del Muise, emeritus professor of history at Carleton University, is exploring with The Canadian Genealogical Survey which attempts to understand the behaviour of genealogists in their research activities. 

A self-administered online survey will seek "to gauge the nature of the phenomenon and its importance for those who undertake to travel to and visit sites of genealogical resources as well as those who do much of their work via the Internet."

According to an article in the Cape Breton Post a pilot project  is ongoing in Cape Breton. 

Follow the progress of the study at http://www.genealogyincanada.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

  1. There are two kinds of people, those that are interested in their family as part of history and the world around us, and those that don't care at all. The latter are taken by surprise at learning of the large number of people willing to study relationships, visit homelands, and enjoy meeting cousins. The Internet has made the search for family history as easy as making toast, if you like bread. Just need electricity.
