30 September 2011

LAC executive travel

Government departments are required to post travel and hospitality expenses for the organization's most senior executives in a system called Proactive Disclosure.

For the first part of the year, up to July, four senior executives of Library and Archives Canada are reporting business travel expenses totalling $78,101.

The largest share is, $55,173 for the travel of Daniel Caron, the Librarian and Archivist of Canada. Two trips took place early in February and were the most costly. One was to Japan to be a speaker at a Canada-Japan symposium and other business meetings cost $12,735.87; four days after returning from that trip M Caron went to Spain for a meeting of the International Conference of the Round Table on Archives at a cost of $8,656.98. He reported two additional business trips to Europe in May and July.

None of the other executives have reported any international travel so far.

There is no comparison with the jet setting of Defence Minister Peter MacKay.

1 comment:

  1. LAC needs to hire more people to help with digitizing records. Do the LAC executives provide a cost-benefit analysis to justify these travel costs?
