18 November 2011

How does your society perform? 2010 comparison of Canadian genealogical and FHS finances

Each year organizations federally registered as charities in Canada for tax purposes are required to file T3010 returns with the Canada Revenue Agency. Part of the return, including financial information, is available on the Revenue Canada website.

Below is an update of the information posted on this blog in October last year, with the 2010 data, 2009 is in parenthesis. Go to http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/lstngs/menu-eng.html and search for "genealogical" or "family history" to see the complete returns.

In summary, of these ten societies seven have net assets exceeding $100,000. By far the largest is OGS with net assets exceeding $2M.

Seven societies reported a surplus of revenues over expenditures. OGS moved from having the largest surplus in 2009 to having the largest deficit in 2010 despite a 33% membership fee increase.

On average for the ten societies net assets are 3.29 (2.88) times expenditures.

The detail below indicates cases where societies receive government funding and indicate expeditures in management and administration where available.

The Alberta Genealogical Society had total assets of $182,379 ($148,681), and liabilities of $16,699 ($24,352). The total revenue was $164,205 ($141,098) of which $38,839 ($76,817) was received from the provincial government. Expenditures totaled $122,859 ($142,518) of which $93,089 ($114,692) was for occupancy costs. The total expenditure on management and administration was reduced to $13,083 from $65,590 in the previous year report.

The British Columbia Genealogical Society had total assets of $199,265 ($190,521) and liabilities of $8,613 ($7,490). Total revenue was $38,585 ($33,868). Expenditures totaled $30,964 ($27,754). The amount spent on management and administration was not reported for 2010; it was $11,351 in 2009.

The British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa had total assets of $82,687 ($76,722) and liabilities of $30,732 ($28,490). Total revenue was $51,471 ($51,090) of which $17,985 ($17,855). Expenditures totaled $46,264 ($38,964) with $5,181 ($4,764) spent on management and administration.

The Manitoba Genealogical Society had total assets of $37,279 ($45,448) and liabilities of $10,647 ($15,083). Total revenue was $46,036 ($57,240), $20,330 ($20,502) from memberships. Expenditures totaled $49,794 ($58,222).

The New Brunswick Genealogical Society had total assets of $183,269 ($177,755) including $104,321 ($99,350) as inventories and $74,325 ($74,536) as cash, bank accounts and short-term investments. Total liabilities were $10,430 ($12,014). Total revenue was $40,598 ($39,361) including $22,752 ($24,972) for memberships. Total expenditures were $33,501 ($37,098) including $20,370 ($22,159) for advertising and promotion.

The Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia had total assets of $303,274 ($301,042) and no reported liabilities for either year. Total revenue was $32,549 ($23,058) of which $13,850 was from memberships. Total expenditures were $30,317 ($42,912). of which $11,385 ($12,052) was spent on management and administration.

The Ontario Genealogical Society had total assets of $2,484,562 ($2,574,939) of which $1,526,629 ($1,682,525) was held as cash bank accounts and short-term investments. Liabilities totaled $299,241 ($391,261). Total revenue was $588,037 ($641,731) including $320,678 ($286,328) from memberships. That's a 12% increase in the total as a result of a 33% individual fee increase.  $32,564 ($27,188) was received from governments. Expenditures totaled $644,944 ($628,220) of which $106,596 ($97,800) was spent on management and administration.

The Québec Family History Society had total assets of $62,120 ($54,811) of which $56,958 ($48,993) was held as cash bank accounts and short-term investments. Liabilities totaled $17,480 ($10,514). Total revenue was $49,083 ($49,625) the largest component of which, $33,371 ($34,893) was for memberships. Expenditures totaled $48,740 ($50,679) including $22,822 ($22,571) for occupancy costs. There were no costs for management and administration but $17,950 ($16,341) was reported for office supplies and expenses.

The Saskatchewan Genealogical Society had total assets of $100,126 ($124,741) including $82,697 ($104,644) in cash, bank accounts and short-term investments. Liabilities totaled $117,710 ($126,108) including $111,506 ($101,719) of deferred revenue. Total revenue of $229,058 ($240,414) included $137,227 ($132,619) from government sources. Expenditures of $245,275 ($261,701) included $172,835 ($174,927) for management and administration.

The Victoria Genealogical Society had total assets of $197,975 ($211,023) and liabilities of $57,349 ($74,150). Total revenue was $53,836 ($40,232) including $0 ($18,650) from government sources. Expenditures totaled $32,490 ($36,629).

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