08 January 2012

Warning: Simon Fowler is coming to Canada

You wouldn't want to miss him. Simon Fowler is perhaps best known as editor of the late lamented  family history magazine Ancestors, killed off by TNA. Simon worked at Kew on and off for over thirty years and specializes in military family history, with a particular focus on the First World War.

Simon is coming to Toronto and Ottawa.

On Saturday 31 March 2012 he will be a featured speaker in Toronto at a Finding Your Great War Ancestors Workshop. Toronto is often the venue for significant genealogy events at that time of year. This workshop will have two plenaries, the opening one given by Simon, the close by Canadian War Museum historian and award-winning author Tim Cook, and three other sessions, each with three presentation choices.

For full program details, speaker biographies and registration information, visit www.torontofamilyhistory.org/GreatWarWorkshop2012.html.

On Monday, 2 April, Simon will travel to Ottawa to give two evening presentations hosted by BIFHSGO as a free community service event. The venue is the auditorium at Library and Archives Canada. His presentations will be Researching your (British) Military Ancestors Online, and British Emigration Records. More details at www.bifhsgo.ca


  1. Warning? You make poor Mr. Fowler sound like he's got Ebola Virus. Couldn't you have headed your blog "Good News. Simon Fowler is coming to Canada." Perhaps you were implying that you really don't care for him, but publicizing his engagement so that those that are able can go and make their own judgement. Although I have never seen him in person, I have read a fair bit of his work and I think he has a lot to offer. I lament the passing of Ancestors Magazine.

  2. Thanks for the comment Cannuk. The deceptive headline was deliberate, the warning being not to miss the presentations, especially when free in Ottawa.

  3. Thanks for the puff for my sessions in Toronto and Ottawa. I'm very much looking forward to the trip.

