12 July 2012

Not online

Mike More, past chair of Ottawa Branch of OGS, posted on the branch blog about the resources not online, especially those in the branch library at the Ottawa main city archives which will be of interest to those with local roots. He reports on progress in indexing some of the unique content which is gradually being incorporated into the OGS project called The Ontario Name Index, so far about 60,000 names.  Read Mike's blog post at http://www.ogsottawa.blogspot.ca/2012/07/off-line-records.html

1 comment:

  1. John, so as not to confuse your good readers, that's 60,000 names from the Ottawa Branch Library that are now in The Ontario Name Index (TONI). TONI itself has 546,356 after the last upload, including some new material coming in from the Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogy Group.
