01 October 2012

Benchmarks update for September 2012

Here are some benchmarks for genealogy sites as of 30 September 2012. Comparable figures a month ago are shown in brackets. The higher the Alexa ranking the more popular the site.

Findmypast.com has jumped in Alexa rank this month.

Familysearch.org has 1,302 (1,233) record collections: census & lists 118 (114); birth, marriage, & death 813 (779); probate & court  106 (99); military 98 (96); migration & naturalization 66 (58); other  101 (87). It has Alexa rank 4,207 (3,993).

Ancestry.com has Alexa rank of 624 (642); ancestry.co.uk ranks 7,485 (7,972) and ancestry.ca ranks 27,631 (26,585). There are 30,892 (30,773) datasets in the collections including 1,932 (1,932) for Canada, 1,318 (1,236) for the UK and, 24,992 (24,980) for the USA.

Findmypast.co.uk has an Alexa rank of 21,136 (21,929). Findmypast.com ranks 70,120 (110,236).

Family Tree DNA has 392,433 (389,801) records in its database. It ranks 37,071 (36,112) on Alexa.

Mocavo.com has rank 45,172 (47,037); GenealogyinTime.com ranks 29,999 (29,042).

Britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk claims 5,741,158 (5,614,605) pages digitized. Alexa rank 131,346 (127,752).

Cyndislist.com claims 323,109 (320,365) total links in 190 (190) categories, with 1,904 (2,931) uncategorized. Alexa rank 79,160 (82,137) .

FreeBMD has 220,463,424 (219,464,977) distinct records, Alexa rank 66.368 (71,635).

UKBMD provides 2,367 (2,328) links to web sites that offer on-line transcriptions of UK births, marriages, deaths and censuses. Alexa rank 219,988 (217,982).

CanadianHeadstones.com has over 486,000 (464,000) gravestone photo records from across Canada. It scores  406,163 (336,363) in Alexa traffic rank.

bifhsgo.ca ranks 731,412 (721,198), qfhs.ca ranks 3,756,174 (3,750,908), and ogs.on.ca ranks 205,273 (214,174).

And in case you're curious: Anglo-Celtic Connections has 3,944 (3,868) posts and has fallen back a bit in Alexa rank to 209,954 (203,779).

Did I miss something significant? If so please post a comment with statistics.

1 comment:

  1. Among Canadian "cemetery" sites, I find gravemarkers.ca (The Canadian Gravemarker Gallery)to be considerably more useful than CanadianHeadstones.com. Gravemarkers.ca presents complete cemeteries rather than random submissions of individual stones. The site has excellent coverage of Eastern Ontario, including 100% of Renfrew County, and all of Ottawa's large Notre Dame Roman Catholic Cemetery. Pinecrest Cemetery, also in Ottawa, is partly on line and will be completed shortly. On the downside, the search engine at Gravemarkers.ca is rather awkward, meaning that the site is better suited for use by researchers who already know the cemetery in which their ancestors were buried than for those who are searching a larger geographical area.

    As to Alexa rankings, on Oct 1, gravemarkers.ca was at 570183, trailing CanadianHeadstones.com, but leading within Canada by 14862 to 17855.
