22 February 2013

100 Days to the 1921 Census of Canada

The end of the 92 year embargo on release of the original 1921 Canadian census schedules is approaching The census was taken on 1 June 1921 so in 100 days they officially pass into the custody of Library and Archives Canada.

LAC informs that only microfilm copies of this census exists and they will digitize the microfilms and make them available online as JPEG and PDF images "shortly after their release date."

Peer organizations internationally are able to arrange very prompt, same day, availability. The credibility of LAC with all its emphasis on digitization and online availability of records is on the line. How will they take advantage of this opportunity to raise the organization's profile?

What are your expectations?

1 comment:

  1. I certainly won't be holding my breath for a prompt release!
