12 April 2013

Failure to Disclose at LAC

The Bibliocracy blog outs Library and Archives Canada with a revelation that within LAC "all of the management positions described in the “Statement of Merit” used to be classified as “LS” (Library Science); they are now, as the document shows, classified as “EC” (Economics and Social Science)."

Bibliocracy reports that those reclassifications in early 2012 should have been reported on the LAC website. They were and are not. 

Could it be LAC management wants to hide that they no longer require library qualifications for those managing library activities? Perhaps the Librarian and Archivist, an economist by training, sees it as more important to have people who speak his disciplinary language than to have managers who know much about their area of responsibility.

Read the Bibliocracy item at http://goo.gl/tIzkF


  1. Have senior HR positions also been reclassified? This may be part of the answer to your question about working conditions at LAC. Someone there recently said that they now know what it is like to work for a broken institution. Senior management seems to want to make conditions as unpleasant as possible for archival and library professionals.

  2. Both you and Myron may want to read the actual requirements for posting info re: position reclassifications.

    The very first paragraph on just about every government department page on this topic states:

    "On February 25, 2004, the government announced the mandatory publication of information concerning the reclassification of occupied positions in the Public Service of Canada."

    If the job is being posted, there's a pretty good chance the position isn't occupied.

    Not everything is a conspiracy.

  3. All the HR management positions have been converted to ECs. If you look at the EC category requirements few HRs are qualified to even apply for a management position. Fortunately they can be replaced by managers from outside since there is no more need for librarians or archivists

  4. It is haard to believe that all these positions were vacant when they were reclassified. If that was the case things must have been pretty bad at LAC - but then we know that is so. How can an economist be more qualified to make policy decisions for our national library or our national archives than someone with library science or archival training?
