29 May 2013

2.6 million New Surrey Parish Records on Ancestry

If you have Surrey ancestors this is a landmark release made possible by a cooperative project between Ancestry and the Surrey History Centre

Baptisms: 1813-1912 are 683,008 records from more than 260 Church of England parishes;
Marriages: 1754-1937 are 543,595 records from nearly 290 parishes;
Burials: 1813-1987 are 458,787 records from more than 180 parishes;
Baptisms, Marriages and Burials: 1538-1812 are 962,879 records from nearly 130 parishes.

You can browse original records by parish and date, always a sobering thing to do before you complain about the quality of the indexes, or search the indexes and peruse the linked image.

I found the burial of Robert Fitzroy , captain of the Beagle on which Charles Darwin was scientist, at Upper Norwood indexed under last name Roy.

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