15 May 2013

A Red Letter Day: Daniel Caron Leaves Library and Archives Canada

Via CLA Govt Library and Info Mgmt Professionals Network on 2013/05/15

From: Caron, Daniel J.
Sent: May-15-13 4:00 PM
To: _BAC/LAC Regions; _LAC / BAC-NCR-RCN
Subject: Message de Daniel J. Caron

I am informing you of my decision to leave Library and Archives Canada as of today.  Over the last four years, we have made a lot of progress in modernizing our institution. I am very proud of the accomplishments and conscious of the work yet to be done. The challenges remain vast and fascinating. I now believe it is time for someone else to take on and build the necessary support to continue to make the institution increasingly responsive to the digital environment. I would like to thank all of those who have largely contributed to the progress made and encourage you to continue this collaboration

Daniel J. Caron Ph D


  1. Can a Senate appointment (and all the lolly that entails!) be far behind???

  2. John

    Well, well, well! Will the sun rise tomorrow now that Mr. Caron has left the LAC?

    I can't believe it.


  3. All those Spanish lessons ... adios to his jaunts to Spain and Puerto Rico.

  4. Bet there are some happy LAC employees today! Certainly the rest of us are smiling! FAREWELL
