04 June 2013

LAC's "announcement" about the 1921 census

Library and Archive Canada's promised announcement is now posted. As expected, the significant "news" is:
Library and Archives Canada is committed to making the 1921 Census’ rich and complex information accessible and available to all Canadians, no matter where they live, in the next few weeks. Further details on the 1921 Census’ availability will be shared once they are available.
Read the full announcement at http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/news/Pages/2013/1921-census.aspx

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we have an announcement from LAC on the 1921 census, but for all the time taken, the text is so poorly written that it is almost laughable. We read that the census returns "were geographically enumerated, that is according to a person's residence and not by individual's names ...". This tangled language might lead one to believe that individuals are not enumerated; trust me, they are!

    The press release was obviously prepared in a hurry and with little knowledge about this census and census records in general. This aside, I am surprised that LAC did not provide us with information on "what's new" in this census, i.e., birthplace of mother and father, mother tongue, other than French or English; weeks unemployed in the previous year and more. Dave Obee's book, Counting Canada (2012), should have been consulted by LAC staff -- it includes a very comprehensive overview of the 1921 census.

    Your readers may be interested to learn that 55.4% of the 8.7 million people enumerated claimed British origin. And one final comment -- your blog campaign urging LAC to be more transparent about this census release and so much else at LAC is appreciated by this reader and I presume, many others.
