25 August 2013

Notes from One World - One Family Conference

To say I enjoyed this one day conference held in Brampton, Ontario, would be very much understating matters. Thanks to Helen Warner and her team the event seemed to go off without a hitch and provide lots of information. There were several presentations on ethnic genealogy and although the audiences weren't large they were much appreciated by those with that ancestry. 
It's worth highlighting the keynote speaker, Donald R Snow, gave several presentations with helpful notes available at

In speaking with Don after the event I asked about locations for remote feeds from RootsTech 2014 next February.  His information was that it was up to the local stake of the LDS church to make a request to be a remote location, which involves organizing the event at the site. 

Thanks to those who came up to say they are faithful blog readers, and those who came to my presentations. For those who were not able to get the handout, I'll email to you on request. The brochures for the BIFHSGO Conference in September were also taken, find that information under conference at www.bifhsgo.ca

1 comment:

  1. John, We have just finished the Federation of Genealogical Societies annual conference in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. One of the points made there was that local societies could also sign up to be remote sites for the conference, and some societies did sign up immediately. What the technical details were I do not know, but be aware it is not limited to local LDS stakes.
