03 September 2013

Can you find these Scottish origins?

Are you up for a challenge? Do you research people with Scottish origins?
I was contacted the other day, via a reference from BIFHSGO member Hugh Reekie, regarding the likely Scottish origins of two Olympic weightlifters. With tossing the caber and other feats of strength a mainstay of Scottish games it isn't surprising weightlifting champions might be thought of as having Scottish origins.
Doug Hepburn,"an enigma in Canada"  and Paul Anderson (US). "a hero to all who ever picked up a bar­bell", were Olympians well known in their time. An article at http://www.lostbattalionhallweightlifting.org/2010/12/01/hepburn-anderson/ compares their achievements, and mentions along the way that Hepburn was of Scottish ancestry, and as for Anderson "It is not certain whether he was a Scot­tish or a Scan­di­na­vian Ander­son."
It took a bit of searching but I finally found information on Hepburn's ancestry.
Anderson is more trickly, at least for me as I don't use US records much.
Bragging rights, and perhaps more, to the first person to post a genealogical case, no bells and whistles needed, to show the origins of Anderson and/or Hepburn.

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