11 September 2013

Family History Activity Survey: outside North America

The vast majority of responses to this survey were from North America. The remainder, only ten, were from Australia (4), UK and Ireland (6). I doubt the sample is large enough to have any statistical significance, so report results only to assuage the thirst of the curious.

100% subscribed to Ancestry, 60% to FindMyPast, 40% to The Genealogist. I was surprised only 20% subscribed to Genes Reunited.
Family Tree Maker showed as the leading genealogy software, as in North America. Second was Family Historian, ahead of Roots Magic and Legacy.
Just under half the respondents have no genealogy magazine subscription although several indicated they occasionally purchased one of read them at a library. Australian responses showed Inside History magazine to be popular.
60% of respondents reported no volunteer activity.
40% of respondents were in their 50s, the same percent in their 60s. This is a younger sample than the North American. Consistent with the age, and perhaps accounting for a lower level of volunteering, only 50% were retired. Again, as in North America, lack of time was the most cited obstacle to progress in family history studies.

1 comment:

  1. Thirst is satisfied, thanks John.

    Cheers, Jill - 1 of the 4
