22 September 2013

Genealogies of Valcartier, Quebec

Valcartier is a name that rings loud in Canadian history as the site of a military base quickly established in 1914 at the start of the First World War. The area, north and west of Quebec City, had a history before the expropriation for the base with considerable settlement by people from the UK and Ireland. This is nicely documented in the web pages Genealogies of Valcartier, Quebec, including Riviere aux Pins, Stoneham, Shannon and Ste-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier curated by Patricia Balkcom, a resident of Vermont, who attended the BIFHSGO conference.

1 comment:

  1. Anne in Ottawa-"This is an interesting and comprehensive website. Since so many people, especially native English speakers, have left Quebec, and may not return to do research, this is invaluable to them. The cemetery photos are particularly well done. I was born in Quebec City and went to public school & high school with descendants of the settlers in Valcartier, Stoneham etc.The Jacque Cartier River area was our Autumn hiking/picnic destination. My parents were "outsiders" who came to Quebec City for federal gov.'t work in Valcartier."
