08 November 2013

QFHS members-only meeting

Saturday, 9 November is the date for a members-only meeting of the Quebec Family History Society.

Robert Bull, recently retired historian and visitor’s program coordinator of Saint James United Church will speak about the church’s role in Montreal. Saint James United Church has been part of the Montreal community for more than 200 years. It has perpetuated the Methodist tradition and its people have played a role in the events that have marked our city and our country history. Saint James helped such institutions as the English language school system of Montreal, the Montreal General Hospital and the first YMCA in North America.Saturday, 

This will also be the occasion for an important Annual General Meeting.

The event starts at  10:30 am at Briarwood Presbyterian Church Hall 70 Beaconsfield Blvd Beaconsfield


  1. The QFHS members-only meeting and AGM is apparently having an election that is restricted to members-only-in-attendance. The rest of the membership does not get a ballot or a vote.

  2. From the look of the QFHS website,(under new management) it indicates that the lecture as well is (members only). As far as I can recall these lectures have always been "Public Lectures." How does this attract genealogists to bring a guest.
    Yes, an important AGM,! Keeping in mind the joy that genealosts experience, one should consider to have an open mind, listen.to the information and take pride in making an informed decision on matters at hand. After it's YOUR society.
