13 January 2014

Reviving Renfrew history for 17 years

The December 26 issue of the Renfrew Mercury contains the "From the Old Files" column by Olga Lewis. It revives stories from up to a century ago and is the last column in a series which Olga has been writing for the Mercury for 17 years.

In recognition of this contribution the Mercury published an article "Thanks for the Memories" which mentions that Olga has produced, not published, six books containing interesting articles on the history of the area available at the Renfrew Library. If her final column is anything to judge by these books will be full of news of local people, many whom went to live far away but came back to visit relatives.

Its unfortunate there appears not to be a digitized archive of the Renfrew Mercury back to its founding in 1871.

Thanks to Jeannette Logan for the tip.


  1. Hello John:
    I have seen some old issues of the Renfrew Mercury on Paper of Record years ago. Then, all of a sudden, they were removed. I wonder who has control of them at this point in time.

  2. Bob: I've not found them online either since they disappeared from POR quite a few years ago. I assume that must have been the result of a copyright complaint. Library and Archives Canada have microfilm holdings.
