09 February 2014

BIFHSGO breaks record

The attendance at Saturday morning's regular monthly meeting of the British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa was 215. Does any other local family history society do as well?

No doubt the topics for the two presentations helped attract the record crowd.
Bob McDonald, president of the Russell Historical Society and Museum, spoke on Gaelic Naming Patterns.

Barbara Tose, a Society favourite as well as prolific volunteer for the Society and the OGS, gave the main presentation, excellently illustrated, on Travels with My Aunt: Adventures in Europe 1914.

Unlike last month when the weather was unkind a partly cloudy sky, calm winds and a temperature of a balmy -7C likely tempted more to the meeting.

The meeting also unveiled the Society 20th Anniversary Logo which met with much approval.

1 comment:

  1. I missed the first presentation, but Barbara's was excellent. Meetings are free and are held the 2nd Saturday of the month. Lots of seating room in the comfortable auditorium to break another attendance record next month! My "complaint," tongue in cheek-not enough time at coffee break and after the talk to chat with everyone, look at Discovery Tables etc.
    Anne S.
