19 February 2014

Genealogy à la carte

There's a new kid on the block!  More precisely, there's a new Canadian genealogy blog.

Welcome to the blogosphere with Genealogy à la carte Gail!

I've mentioned Gail Dever, Montreal resident, BIFHSGO webmaster, before as she has provided lots of tips for Canada's Anglo-Celtic Connections.

Gail writes that "my blog is based on conversations I have with friends like you over lunch, coffee -- and via email. It is about family history news, resources, trends, issues, education, and the occasional story, all from a Montreal point de vue. While many of the posts will be about Quebec genealogy, the focus of the blog will not be limited to Quebec."

Gail's most recent post illustrates the last point.  "eBay offers hundreds of old photos of Montreal" may be focused on her search for a photo of an ancestor's shop but the idea of embracing eBay as a tool to assist your family history search can be applied by us all.

You can easily subscribe to receive posts by email as I just did.

It's great to see the blossoming of family history blogs by BIFHSGO members, each with a unique perspective:

Elizabeth Kipp's English Research from Canada
Elizabeth Lapointe's Canadian Genealogy
Ken McKinlay's Family Tree Knots
and now
Gail Dever's Genealogy à la carte

Did I miss anyone?