02 March 2014

International Genetic Genealogy Conference

I blogged about this conference last Tuesday and now have reservations to attend.

It took a bit longer than I'd hoped. When I went to register I noticed the credit card payment was not being processed through a secure site, it had neither the locked symbol nor an https: address.  An email was sent -  no response but the next day the site had  the lock and the https: but with a red line through each! This time I phoned, got voice mail, left a message. No response.

I was ready to write a pointed blog post, but a more patient colleague suggesting cooling it for a few days.

On Saturday a secure page came up.  Reservation completed. I'm now planning and looking forward to a trip to the Washington area., August 15, 16 and 17, 2014 at the National 4-H Youth Conference Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland.

Further conference information is at http://i4gg.org/

1 comment:

  1. This is a good time to remind folks to have an " internet only " card with a low ( say $500 or less ) limit to use on the internet. If the bad guys do find it they will probably ignore it with such a low limit.
