05 March 2014

TNA price changes

If you use the services of The (UK) National Archives be aware that prices for services are changing on 1 April.
The good news is that online digital downloads from nationalarchives.gov.uk are seeing a decrease, from £3.36 to £3.30. These remain free onsite at Kew.
Self service copying in the reading rooms remains at £0.25 per page.
Most other costs are increasing, some quite substantially. Cost per colour copy up to and including size A3, research quality, increases from £3.00 to £5.50.
Want TNA to do research for you. For each 15 minutes research, including the time taken to send out the results, price increases from £20.00 to £25.00.
There are price lists in pdf with the old prices and new prices

1 comment:

  1. It's cheaper to hire a local researcher than have the TNA do it.
