11 April 2014

For genealogical society leadership - a must read

Does your genealogical society struggle to recruit volunteers and maintain their commitment? I'd be surprised if there's a non-profit society which has no problem in that area.

That's why Gail Dever's four part series during National Volunteer Week on her Genealogy à la carte blog is so useful. Two items in the final section ring especially true for me.
- personally contact potential volunteers. General appeals are fine but there's nothing like being approached by someone you respect and asked to help.
- promote the impact volunteers make on your society.
The whole series, the first three parts are linked from the final part, is a must read for Society leadership.


  1. Now,if we could only find a volunteer to look after all the volunteers :-)

  2. Mike, it's very likely there's someone out there willing to do it. If there are many volunteers to look after, then perhaps breaking them into smaller groups with a couple of leaders would be more manageable. Some great ideas in the this 4 part series and definite food for thought! 5882 How do you eat an elephant, one bite at a time.
