03 May 2014

OGS conference social media panel

It was a pleasure to be involved with the social media plenary panel session on Saturday morning, bright and early, at the Ontario Genealogical Society conference in St Catharine's. Shown from left to right, Chris Paton (British GENES), Marian Press, Tony Bandy, Kirsty Gray and Daniel Horowitz (MyHeritage).
We addressed the questions:
1. How do social media enter your genealogical life in both your personal research and for marketing and promotion? What is your preferred social medium, and why?
2. On balance do you think social media have been good or bad for family history, and why? Give an example.
3. What technological or other developments in the past year do you see as most significant for family history (not just in social media)?
4. What developments and trends will be most significant for family history in the next five years?
5. Libraries, archives and genealogical societies are being stressed by economic and technological factors. which there are also opportunities. Tell us about an institution that's adapting well.
6. Is family history destined to always mostly be an interest of seniots? If not why will it change? If so should much effort be made to attract younger people?

Finally panel members were given a one-minute opportunity for "Shameless self-promotion"

You can catch up on YouTube, including my gaff in the introductions.

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