10 July 2014

Survey Results: Family History Online International Resources

I've previously reported the top ten and next ten most used international resources online. Today let's look at those remaining in the order chosen by more than 400 responses to the survey question, During the past three months which of the following INTERNATIONAL online facilities have you used to pursue your family history interests?

21. Amazon: 27%.
22. Other: 27%. (respondents were asked to specify other international resources they use. There were many responses which I'll report in a follow-up post)
23. Evernote: 22%
24. Google+: 22%
25. GenealogyinTime: 20%
26. myHeritage: 20%
27. newspaper.com: 17%
28. Twitter: 15%
29. Ebay: 15%
30. 23andMe: 13%
31. Pinterest: 11%
32. LinkedIn: 9%
33.Yahoo: 8%
34: Bing: 7%
35: Text messaging: 6%
36: Instagram: 1%


  1. Susan Gingras Calcagni10 July, 2014 09:56

    Thank you John. This survey provides genealogists, speakers, bloggers and societies an indication on the online resources being used. Always helpful to be informed. :-)

  2. I'm surprised that Deceased On Line hasn't shown up by now. I use it quite a bit (with mixed success as its coverage is still limited)
