14 September 2014

Genealogy Volunteer Rockstars

Now that this year's Genealogy Rockstars voting is done, and before the results are announced, let's give a thought to and recognize the thousands who volunteer serving on Boards and interest groups, organizing and running events, producing publications, transcribing and indexing resources, and much more.

We may not hang on their every word, crowding into a room to hear them. Often they prefer to keep a low profile. Yet I'm confident every Genealogy Rockstar recognizes that without volunteers family history would be, at very most, an impoverished pursuit.

It would be inappropriate, as well as impracticable, to list and vote on Genealogy Volunteer Rockstars. Hopefully you recognize them locally, it's important to do so. If you'd like to send a comment listing your local Genealogy Volunteer Rockstars I'll be pleased to add it on below this post.


  1. That's a very good point, John (although not all working in genealogy are volunteers). This is pretty much why I do not participate in this 'contest' or similar ones. And in Canada, I know that many of those who've contributed greatly to our genealogical resources are now gone.

  2. John, I think that Shirley Sturdevant, currently Past President of the Ontario Genealogical Society deserves a big round of applause for all the work that she has done to modernize OGS and make it relevant to today's genealogists. And, due to a couple of tragedies in the Society, her final year as President forced her to soldier on without some key members of the Board.
