08 September 2014

Rockstar Genealogist(s) 2014: voting now open

Choose your favourites from nearly 150 nominees from the English-speaking genealogy world. Let them know you appreciate their contributions.
Help folks organizing a speaker program to know who is popular internationally and in different regions.
Tell your friends. Ask them to vote, suggest who to vote for and multiply the power of your vote.
What surprises will there be in this the third year of the survey?

Voting is now closed


  1. Thanks John for once again running and managing this survey. We're doing our part to get the word out: http://www.geneabloggers.com/favorite-genealogy-rockstar-2014-voting-open/

  2. When is voting over? When will results be announced? Can people vote more than once?

  3. In response to Randy Sever's questions, the voting will end late Friday or Saturday. Expect the results to start coming out late Sunday or Monday. The survey places a cookie on the computer used that prohibits voting more than once from that machine.

  4. The voting link would not work when I tried to vote. When I backed out to try again, it wouldn't let me and a message that I had already voted. Don't know if anyone else has had that prolem or not.

  5. As a conference organiser, I was hoping to get some ideas on which presenters to invite - but recommendations need to be based on personal experience. I was therefore not happy with your suggestion that your readers should tell their friends who to vote for! It makes the whole thing meaningless.

  6. How does one nominate a family Rockstar Genealogist that isn't on the list?

  7. Martin: Nominations were opened a week before voting started and widely publicized on social media. Many people have added other names as a comment at the end of their vote.

  8. Thanks. Will stay in touch for next year's nominations.

    Our Sr family genealogist is Gary Benton Prather
