14 December 2014

BIFHSGO's Last Monthly Meeting at LAC

Approaching 395 Wellington on Saturday morning, 13 December 2014, with banners restored in front of the building.

The Secret Bench of Knowledge is out in all weathers.

Terry and Tad Findlay arrived early as Terry was one of the speakers at the Great Moments event. He spoke of their travels to push back Tad's Kent ancestry.

Brian Glenn gave a "Before BIFHSGO" Education Talk explains the key dos and don’ts for a good PowerPoint presentation.

BIFHSGO President Barbara Tose prepares to give opening announcements and remind of the change in meeting location made necessary by a steep price increased imposed by Public Works and Government Services Canada. Two members were so keen on the move they went there a month early!

There was an appreciative crowd in attendance.

Program Director Jane Down introduced and thanked the four presenters.

Brenda Turner recounted the journey researching her ancestry many of whom found final resting places in West Templeton Cemetery.
Ian Browness revealed some out-of-the-ordinary sources he discovered in his talk A Lost Brother Re-discovered.

Sandra Adams explained why a search for Henry Shelverton, a name you'd think would be easy to research, was a challenge as he spent time hiding under an assumed name and how she discovered his whereabouts.

Those not at the meeting could still benefit from the advice tweeted out:

Stuck looking for info on lost ancestors? Remember to search Google Books for the names. Those old books can be a #genealogy treasure trove.

Can't find them in the census? Expand your search by looking for the family using first names only and leaving off the surname.

Always keep searching even when you think there is nothing more to find so you too can have a great moment! Thanks to our wonderful speakers.

1 comment:

  1. It was a very fitting way to say "good-bye" to LAC after some 9 or 10 years of monthly meetings there. The four talks were informative, entertaining and above all, instructive. I sensed a real appreciation of the talks amongst the close to 200 in attendance. And thanks for your photographs!
