04 December 2014

Donate to the Ottawa Food Bank

On Friday CBC Ottawa will have a special day of programming to raise money for the Ottawa Food Bank as part of the annual charity drive Project Give.

The Ottawa Food Bank continues to be my favourite local charity. Why?

  • They work with 140 partner organizations throughout Ottawa to provide nourishment to about 48,000 residents who use food banks every month.  
  • They have a top "4 Star" rating by Charity Intelligence Canada for the fourth year in a row based on the charity's transparency and accountability, need for funding, and cost efficiency. Only three local Ottawa charities received 4 stars. 

Please join me and donate to the Ottawa Food Bank or your local food bank.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this timely reminder. And when you are out shopping try to put your spare change (or more) in a Salvation Army kettle as you pass. A very enjoyable part of the Christmas season for me is the time I spend behind a kettle, ringing the bell and smiling at everyone.
