07 December 2014

Finding Pre-1865 Ships Passenger Lists to Canada

Can you stuff an eBook in a genealogist's stocking? If so the Kindle edition of Lorine McGinnis Schulz's new Filling in the Gaps: Finding Pre-1865 Ships Passenger Lists to Canada is unquestionably worth considering.
Finding immigrants arriving prior to 1865 and the first systematic recording of arrivals at Quebec City is a continual issue. While there is no magic formula Lorine's 82 page eBook will help you explore possibilities such as shipping agent records, emigration agent ledger books and newspaper extracts which may record an arrival.

Thanks to Lesley Anderson for the tip. Don't forget to check out the Ottawa Catholic School Board courses Lesley is offering in the new year, equally unquestionably worth considering, on page 23 at at http://continuingeducation.ottawacatholicschools.ca/media.php?mid=1120

UPDATE: Web link for book updated to .ca


  1. Hi John, Could you change your link to Amazon.ca instead of Amazon.com?

  2. This is all well and good ... and information I've been looking for for ages. At Greenock they've told me that pre 1850 passenger lists were not kept. Now however the biggest problem is the fact I don't own a KINDLE!! Did it also come in book format?

    Tamara Langford
    Co. Durham

  3. Tamara: "The Kindle app is available for most major smartphones, tablets and computers. That means with our free Kindle reading apps, you can buy a Kindle book once, and read it on any device with the Kindle app installed. You can also read that same Kindle book on a Kindle device if you own one."
