01 January 2015

National Genealogy Conference in Canada

The following email was received from Heidi Wilker
We are pleased to announce the launch of the inaugural National Genealogy Conference in Canada, at historic Pier 21, Halifax, Nova Scotia from July 17 – 19, 2015.
Outstanding speakers, exciting experiences at Pier 21 and in Halifax await conference delegates.
Those who register for the conference will be given the opportunity to submit family information to the Scotiabank Family History Centre, who will provide immigration information prior to the conference.
EARLYBIRD BONUS - First 50 people to register by February 15, 2015 will receive a 1-year subscription to "Family Chronicle Magazine"

For complete conference information, registration, and accommodation information, go to www.visiontravel.ca/heidiwilker.
That page shows the speakers will be Dave Obee, Dr. Terrence Punch, Sylvie Tremblay, Josh Taylor, David Pike and Peter Sibbald.

The registration fee is $895.00 (Canadian Funds) per person placing it beyond the means of many.


  1. Not in a million years would I agree to pay almost $900.00 for a fh conference which does not include accommodation. Too bad.


  2. Having looked at the speakers and options for workshops I am extremely surprised at the lack of choice with regards to both. Especially given the price.
