27 April 2015

Get 40% off Ancestry.ca memberships

40% discount is about as good as it gets for Ancestry memberships.

Take advantage of the offer:

Canada Deluxe Annual Membership at the special offer price: $71.88,
World Deluxe Annual membership special offer price: $179.88.

Customers will be billed the annual price in one up-front payment. Offer available until 11:59 p.m. ET on April 30 2015. Go to http://goo.gl/jdF8go

Thanks for the tip to Susan Gingras Calcagni.


  1. Would this be for new memberships only? Mine is coming up for renewal next month, and I can't find anything that indicates I can take advantage of this offer. Thanks for the help! Dawn

  2. In answer to the above query, I received the following

    Always looking for a bargain, I decided to follow up on your ancestry discount link. Although it proposes the discount for new members, I asked very sweetly if as a long time subscriber I could take advantage of this as a loyalty bonus. YES! So not only did I get the reduced rate, it only starts on 25 May when my current subscription expires.

  3. I am on the phone right now & they don't want to give it to me ! my subscription ends in July.

  4. No they couldn't give it to me, a note was made on my file, perhaps when I call back in July they might. I did cancel my automatic renewal & will call them in mid July to re-up. I even pulled the Canadian card, exchange rate being at 25%.

  5. I guess it pays to be persistent! Like John, I was able to get my world deluxe membership for 179.88 and, because I was on the phone for so long, they gave me an extra month...so 13 months for the price of 12! Thanks for the tip to Susan & John.

  6. Good for you John.

    I have been a world deluxe subscriber for several years but when I tried the loyalty card they would not budge on their refusal to give me any kind of discount.

    I am very disappointed with Ancestry.ca.
