07 August 2015

Best Canadian Genealogy Websites: Ontario

Results as voted by Ontario residents:

1. Ancestry.ca*
2. FamilySearch.org*
3. Library and Archives Canada
4. Ontario Genealogical Society
5. Archives of Ontario
6. Rootsweb*
7. Automated Genealogy
7. Olive Tree Genealogy*
9. Internet Archive*

1. Includes only sites that got at least 25% of the votes of the #1 ranked site.
2. Regarding the suspicion of ballot stuffing mentioned previously, there was an anomalous voting pattern in a short time period suggesting the votes were not independent. Comment on this matter is closed.

1 comment:

  1. you are a trusted and worthy blogger, John Reid.

    Keep everyone's feet to the fire.

    Gail B
