16 November 2015

Family Tree DNA Year End Sale

The annual Family Tree DNA year end sale is now on.

The Y-DNA test is reduced from $169 to $139 for the 37 marker STR test.
The Family Finder test is reduced from $99 to $89
The mt Full Sequence test is reduced from $199 to $169.

All prices are in US dollars.

There are similar reductions on other tests, see the website.

Every genealogist should have at least a Family Finder (or equivalent) test.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info. Could you please explain in VERY easy terms the difference, if any, between the ancestry.com test and these, and what these tests will give us? Do they match you to people? I've had the ancestry one done, it brought me only one result, which turned out to be a great find! However, all my matches either have no tree on ancestry.com or they know only their USA history and 'came from ....." As my four Grandparents came to Canada 1912, I need to find matches that know their UK etc. history. Thank you! (your posts about DNA is generally WAY over my understanding, I hope you can make it simple for a beginner!)
