15 November 2015

Soft launch of the new archivescanada.ca

ARCHIVESCANADA.ca is a gateway to archival resources found in over 800 repositories across Canada. It is an official archival portal maintained by the  Canadian Council of Archives (CCA), a joint initiative of CCA, the Provincial and Territorial Archival Networks, and Library and Archives Canada.

You may have been familiar with the old site at www.archivescanada.ca which became dated. At Friday's meeting on Canada's Archives: A New Blueprint Laura Wilson, Chair of the CCA Board of Directors announced the soft launch of the new site which is in continuing development. Explore, but be sure to go to the site without the www preface - that leads to the old site.

The technically inclined might be interested to know the site incorporates AtoM version 2.2, a multi-level archival description and archival repository database developed by artifactual based in Wesminster BC

1 comment:

  1. They need to rename the page: when I bookmarked it, it came up as "Home" -- a totally meaningless title if one has a long list of bookmarks. Fortunately, Chrome let me change it on-the-fly, so now I'll be able to find it in my Canadian Genealogy bookmark folder.

    But so far that's my only complaint!
