11 May 2016

Women's Voluntary Service Kickstarter project

Jane MacNamara emailed to let me know about a project to bring to the web stories of the Second World War Women's Voluntary Services in Britain.

"Within two years of the outbreak of the Second World War, 1-in-10 women had set aside their own lives to volunteer and help others as members of the Women's Voluntary Services (WVS). They held the country together working tirelessly on the Home Front, but now they have been forgotten. They modestly refused recognition in their own time and their voices, those of ordinary women from our shared past, have now fallen silent; but you can help us to re-tell their stories of everyday heroism."

Read about the project and how you can help here.

1 comment:

  1. When researching my World War Two novel, Bird's Eye View, I discovered and included a brief reference to the Women's Voluntary Service. Apparently they recruited Canadian women on a cross-Canada train trip. Do you know anything about the Canadian connection? In my novel, my heroine travels with them to England, and then joins the air force. That was the only way I could get her over there early in the war, since civilian travel was banned. You can see more about my novel here: www.elinorflorence.com/birdseyeview
