02 June 2016

Canada historical age pyramid

One of the points I'll make in my session at the OGS conference is to perform an environmental scan for anyone you're researching. Part of that is where they were demographically compared to the population in which they lived.
Statistics Canada has a dynamic age pyramid to show the evolution of the age structure of the Canadian population over the period from 1921 to 2011. There's an explanation and tabulation of results at https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/pyramid-pyramide/his/index-acc-eng.cfm?province=1 with access to tabulated values by province.
For earlier years there's a tabulation for each census year from 1851 in 5 year age categories in a hardcopy publication International Historical Statistics; the America's 1750-2005 which I found at the Carleton University Library. At $550 it's not in my budget!
It shows that for the period before 1921 the youngest 0-4 year age category was consistently the largest with the number declining for each successively age category unlike the baby-boom bulge in the present Canadian age pyramid.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Quite the flat spot for 20-30 year old men in 1921. It's odd and a little chilling to "see" the First World War like that. The second war is not as pronounced.
