17 August 2016

Canadian Library additions to WorldCat

A press release from OCLC.org announces that "Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) has contributed 2.4 million records to WorldCat, the world's most comprehensive network of data about library collections. The contribution, which includes 800,000 new records, will make BAnQ's valuable collections more visible and accessible to researchers around the world."

Library and Archives Canada has been in negotiation with OCLC for more than a year for a similar arrangement. A presentation by Guy Berthiaume at the end of May mentioned replacement of AMICUS with the services offered by OCLC as a project underway. I'm told the negotiations are in the late stages, in legal review. It will take another year after an agreement is reached to incorporate the information from AMICUS.

1 comment:

  1. WorldCat is a great site. I sometimes wonder how the world ever survived so long without it :)
